IAGIM - Drug Development Association

New From LOCUM

International Journal of Food & Wine cGMP

International Journal of Food & Wine R&D
International Journal of Wine Research & Technology



Worldwide Journal Distribution per Journal

Eight Issues: Zone I
- US & Canada

Eight Issues : Zone II - Western & Eastern Europe

Eight Issues : Zone III - Asia & Pacific Rim Countries

Int. Journal of Food & Wine cGMP
Int. Journal of Food & Wine R&D
Int. Journal of Wine R&T
Special Issue - The Wine Industry
Forthcoming Issues
Table of Contents

Method Cap Classique - Champagne Industry - Highlighted

Journal Issues


The BIG Glass Cover-up (Consol Speciality Glass SA & Owen Brockway Illinois US)



Chronic Hot-end Failures in the RSA Speciality Glass Industry for Pharmaceutical, Food and Wine glass bottles and containers.



A GMP Line Failure at Consol Speciality Glass using OB (Owen Brockway / Illinois - USA) Technology. Did CONSOL Speciality Glass (an AVI Company) - impact consumers and public health?


Chaos at Consol RSA Speciality Glass Manufacturing Industry (Anglovaal Industries 80% Subsidiary)- Internal treatment of (glass) ware, three year's extended failures on eleven freon puffing production lines.
- An internal audit case Study and impact analysis.


Owen Brockway RSA Technology Transfer Failure
The "Anti-Blooming experiment" that went very wrong for three years impacting the food, wine and medical industry.


Failures using 132 A gas at Consol Glass - RSA using an unvalidated O&B USA Technology. An IQ, OQ and PQ case study that wasn't.


How Anglovaal Group Industries sidestepped their moral and ethical responsibilities in failed Consol Glass Fluorine gas IT Technology.


Consol Glass Manufacturing Failed Bottle Batch Lots - Using A failed OWEN-BROCKWAY Untried and Untested Joint Venture Technology....


Anglovaal RSA Group's delinquent inertia to react and correct Consol Glass's unvalidated and erratic internal IT fluorine treatment of glass containers for the food, wine, MCC champagne and pharmaceutical industries - regardless of available in-house company data.


Owen Brockway & Consol Glass Violate US FDA FD&C Regulations

Simon Crutchly (MD Consol RSA) called me aside and said; " I'm standing outside of my shoes as the M.D. of Consol, and I'm saying this to you without prejudice. I just want to warn you as a fellow human being, DON'T MEDDLE WITH CONSOL GLASS (RSA - A License of Owen Illinois US and an Anglo Vaal (AVI) Company)

They will throw R14 to R15 million at this case and dry you out. You won't stand a chance, so don't even contemplate it. The scientific and legal powers of these big corporations are far too overwhelming. In any case, you would still have to prove causality.
Who on this planet would have the expertise required to argue or prove this accusation of yours? You have an outstanding account with us, so if you don't scratch where it itches, then neither will we





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Journal Geographic Marketing Zones - US | EU | ASIA
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Archive database Food and Wine Original Documents - DiamondPlus


Worldwide Journal Distribution per Journal

Eight Issues
: Zone I
- US & Canada

Eight Issues : Zone II - Western & Eastern Europe

Eight Issues : Zone III - Asia & Pacific Rim Countries

Access To Int. Journals and Research Papers LIG/IAGIM Data Archives.


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Owen Brockway Glass- USA

Articles & Publications

Consol Glass RSA Licensee of Owen Illinois


The Technology Transfer Process


Using the wrong Gas - 134A vs. 152A


A Failed ' Fluorine Puffing ' Process


Fluorine 'Poisoned' Consol Wine Bottles?


Is OWEN-ILLINOIS (Owen Brockway) Transfer Technology Safe and in Control?


Absent AUDIT Procedures in OB Illinois Technology.


Technology gone dangerously wrong! - OB Illinois.*


Antiblooming Fluorine Treatment causes yeast inactivation plaque problems in wine bottles


Consol Glass - RSA

Articles and Publications

Technology Tie-up with Owen Brockway - USA
Technology Failures at Consol Glass


Anti-Blooming OB Illinois Technology Failures


The Brockway-Consol Glass Cover-up


Consol & Owen Brockway's Supreme Court Fight to Hide the Truth of Their Combined Failed Technology


A Consol Glass Disaster - that killed the RSA MCC Wine Industry


Impact on the Pharmaceutical Food and Wine Industry of unvalidated Freon gas treatment process for glass containers


Who Pays For The Damages to the RSA MCC Wine Industry?


Did AngloVaal Industries Ltd MD Angus Band and Executive Chairman R Savage drop the 'Glass' ball and kill an Export Industry - when Angus Band and AVI executive chairman R Savage - knew all the facts? - An audit review from the MCC Wine Industries Association own documentation over a six year period.


Anglovaal Industries Ltd. (AVI's) Consol Glass division unvalidated 'seesaw process' with 152A, 134A and again 152A high temperature Freon gas treatment of glass containers from baby foods, wine to infusion drip bottles - a detailed technical review..


International Journal of Food & Wine R&D
International Journal of Wine Research & Technology

Worldwide Journal Distribution:
Issues: Food &Wine cGMP; R&D - covering US & Canada
Issues: Food &Wine cGMP; R&D - Western & Eastern Europe
Issues: Food &Wine cGMP; R&D - Asia and Pacific Rim Countries

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A Division of Locum International Publishers and IAGIM Research Laboratories.